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Pre-history: Coverstory
      Coverstory was formed by Richard and J-P in March 1996, to take part in a college outdoor music festival. Shelley Cook and Andrew Grainger provided drums and bass respectively in a five song set on May 4th, with Geoff Page providing keyboards for one song.
      They played entirely covers (hence the name), and hadn't rehearsed particularly much before the gig, which was plagued by technical problems, most important of which was all but the bass and some of the drums' sound escaping into the open air.
      Andrew Grainger went off to do weird techno shit, Shelley went off to graduate and do biology in far-off places, and only Richard and J-P were left. Silence descended, broken only by the occasional pickslide.
Pre-history: Choker
      Richard advertised for bassists around colleges, whilst Mat "Colin" Page was recruited as a drummer, having previously done only "big band" drumming.
      The first bassist, Robbie Woodman, never turned up to a single rehearsal and refused to acknowledge any correspondence from the band, who have since assumed he either got a better offer or died.
      At the same time,
Jonathan Hargreaves had responded to the adverts, and was recruited into a band that Richard, in a fit of faux-goth New Gravery, decided to call choker. choker played a couple of gigs, nothing serious, before Mat was forced to graduate, threw burgers for McDonalds for a while, and is now working on a Pontin's holiday camp. Their own songs were praised more for them being something other than the usual indie 3-chord spectacular, than for them actually being any good.
History: Company Car
      After recruiting
Jim as drummer, the band was briefly called Company Car, before someone pointed out this was a really poor name. They played one gig, which went down very well, almost entirely their own material. Later gigs would show that their covers were now their weakest songs.
Present: Mofus
      The lineup remained the same; only now, the band were called Mofus, a name not at all derived from "mother fuckers" (thanks, James).
A last word from Richard
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